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Safety valve - open pressure a
Article source:江阴市欧雷斯阀门维修厂   Update Time:2013-6-4
① safety valve before the factory, setting value by adjusting the opening pressure to the user requirements. If the user make spring working pressure level, it should be according to the lower limit pressure value adjustment.
② users will be protected safety valve installed on the device before or during installation, must be re-adjusted at the installation site, to ensure that the safety valve set pressure value to meet the requirements.
③ in the plate spring working pressure level range, by rotating the adjustment screw to change the amount of spring compression, you can adjust the opening pressure.
④ before the rotation adjustment screw, the valve inlet pressure should be reduced to less than 90% open pressure, to prevent the rotation adjustment screw to be driven when the disc rotation, which damage the sealing surface.
⑤ to ensure accurate value of opening pressure, should make adjustments in the medium conditions, such as medium type, temperature as close as possible the actual operating conditions. Media types to change, especially when the state media did not accumulate at the same time (such as from a liquid to a vapor), open the pressure changes often. Temperature increases, the opening pressure is generally decreased. The adjusted at room temperature for high temperature, room temperature setting of the pressure value should be slightly higher than the pressure required to open. To what extent high and u
Structure and material selection have relations, should be based on the manufacturer's instructions.
⑥ conventional safety valve for a fixed additional back pressure of the occasion, when adjusted opening pressure after the examination time (when back pressure is atmospheric pressure), the setting value should be value minus the value of additional back-pressure is required to open pressure.
The discharge pressure safety valve and adjust the pressure back seat
① adjusting valve discharge pressure and reseating pressure, valve must be open to full operation test, the height of the therefore, only in the large-capacity test devices or to install the safety valve protection devices are possible. The adjustment method varies according to valve structure.
② the recoil plate and the seat adjustment ring structure, is the use of seat adjustment ring to adjust. Unscrew the adjustment screw ring, and like a thin iron tool from the exposed screw, you can toggle adjustment ring on the teeth, so that adjustment ring rotation. When the adjustment ring to the left for counterclockwise rotation, the position of higher, discharge pressure and reseating pressure will be reduced. Conversely, when the adjustment ring to the right for clockwise rotation, the position of lower, discharge pressure and reseating pressure will be higher. Regulation of each adjustment,: ring rotation rate is not too large (usually the number of teeth can turn). After each adjustment screw on the screw should be fixed, the groove so that the ends are located between the adjusting ring two teeth, both to prevent the adjustment ring rotation, and do not produce radial pressure regulating ring. For security purposes, before the toggle adjustment ring, should be appropriate to reduce the inlet pressure (safety valve opening pressure should be lower than 90% in general), to prevent the adjustment of the valve suddenly opened, causing the accident. Safety valve adjustment technology operating rules
③ for with the upper, lower adjustment ring (guide sleeve and have a seat on the adjustment ring) structure, the adjustment to more complex. Seat adjustment ring is used to change the valve between the channel and adjust the size of the circle, so as to change the pressure between the valve and the adjusting ring cavity of the valve to open when the initial size of the degree of accumulation. When elevated seat adjustment ring, the pressure increases the degree of accumulation, so that the phase of the valve opening ratio decreases rapidly to a sudden sharp turn. Therefore, elevated seat adjustment ring can make the discharge pressure decreased. It should be noted, the seat adjustment ring should not rise to too close to the flap valve. So, the leakage at the sealing surface can lead to premature valve suddenly opened, but because of media pressure at this time is not enough to turn the valve flap in the open position, the valve flap then off again, then jump frequency of the valve. Seat adjustment ring: "is mainly used to reduce the proportion of open valve, the stage and the regulation of discharge pressure, but also have an impact on the back seat pressure.
Adjustment ring to change the flow of media in the valve flap side turn after the reflection angle, thus changing the size of fluid forces, in order to adjust the pressure back seat. Increase the adjustment ring, the folding angle decreases, the fluid force is decreased, so that the pressure back seat. Conversely, when reducing the adjustment ring, the back seat pressure drop. Of course, the adjustment ring in the back seat pressure changes at the same time, also affect the discharge pressure, which increases the pressure on the adjusting ring so that emissions increased, reducing the adjustment ring so that emissions pressure decreased, but its influence as the back seat pressure so obvious.
Safety valve - seal
Safety valve adjustment is completed, should be sealed to prevent the random change has been adjusted, in good condition. When the renovation of the safety valve, should note down the adjusting screw and adjusting ring position of the valve before the demolition, to facilitate adjustment after finishing work. After the readjustment should be sealed again.
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